The Science of Mood

Posted 14.02.2018

Mental health has never been more talked about. More and more people are discussing the importance of their own, their friends and families’ mental health.

Do treatments other than drug led interventions effect recovery?

Join us at The Science of Mood, a partnership event between Newcastle University’s Institute of Neuroscience, Northern Centre for Mood Disorders, and Creative Space Management.

Join us in the fantastic Urban Sciences Building on Science Central as we hear about a range of non-drug treatments for the treatment of depression. We’ll be hearing from leading academics, practitioners and service users about some of the treatments available to fight mental illness.

Doors open from 5pm. Event begins at 5.30pm. We don’t like to turn anyone away – if all tickets have gone please call us on 0191 495 7300. Event ends at 7pm.

 Free tickets here

We’re excited to welcome:

Dr Stuart Watson will welcome followed by presentations from:

Dr Jane Newby: lead consultant for ECT in the Hadrian Clinic on the Campus for Ageing and Vitality in Newcastle. Jane’s service has been approved by the ECT Accreditation Service of the Royal College of Psychiatrists since 2004. Jane is an Old Age Psychiatrist in the Northumberland Tyne and Wear Mental Health (NTW) Foundation Trust and also works at the Castleside Day Hospital at the Centre for the Health of the Elderly in Newcastle.

Carolyne: an ECT service user.

Dr Phil Laws: discussing the safety of ECT, Phil is a consultant anaesthetist. Following training and practice throughout the UK, Phil returned to the north east in 2004 to complete specialist training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. Based at the RVI, Phil splits his time between Anaesthesia and Intensive Care where he looks after the severely injured from a 3 million population between the Scottish Borders, Whitehaven and Durham. He is now the Clinical Director of Quality and Patient Safety at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals.

Dr Will Stageman: a psychiatry trainee, will talk about some of the newer physical treatments for depression. Will expects to cover emerging treatments where stimulators are surgically implanted and the role of magnets in new treatments.

Kevin Hawkes: Lead Family Therapist in the NTW Centre for Specialist Psychological Therapies. Kevin works in Adult Community Mental Health Services within Newcastle, is a mental health nurse and completed an MA in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in 2010 and The Diploma in Systemic Teaching, Training & Supervision in 2014. He has a longstanding interest in collaborative and dialogical family and couple therapies for complex mental health problems and the impact of parental mental health on family life and childhood.

There’ll be plenty of time for questions throughout. We look forward to seeing you there!

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