The Science Of...

Posted 05.09.2017

The award winning Creative Space Management team invites you to:



  • What is the vision for Science Central, a 24-acre urban quarter?

  • What is the significance of carbon capture meadows?

  • How is data collected, and what does it measure?

  • What is cloud based visualization and how does it support research on climate change?

Delivered in partnership with Newcastle University’s Digital Institute, SUCCESS project and Urban Observatory, join us to hear about cutting edge research on the future of urban landscapes and communities at The Core, Science Central. The event includes an introduction to the Science Central Masterplan presented by Michelle Duggan from the Science Central team.

Doors and bar open from 5.30pm. Event begins at 6pm. We don’t like to turn anyone away – if all tickets have gone please call us on 0191 495 7300.

Nick Holliman, Professor of Visualization, Digital Institute

Nick researches the science and engineering of visualization and visual analytics including the fundamental challenges of visualizing big data.

With an academic and industry track record, his research includes partnerships with psychologists to understand how the human visual system processes information, creating scientific solutions for viewing and understanding complex image content.

Nick was a member of the team that developed the first Nintendo 3DS prototype, pioneering research that is now commonly used in Hollywood film production. Nick’s research is presented in cloud-based software tools and award winning 3D visualizations and you’ll have the opportunity to see this in The Decision Theatre, a visualization environment in The Core.

David Manning, Professor of Soil Science and Dr Mark Goddard, Research Associate in Urban Ecology, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences

Soils contain three times as much carbon than plants and soil-atmosphere interactions exchange a third more carbon dioxide than ocean-atmosphere interactions. The SUCCESS project is investigating how to design and engineer soils so that their carbon capture function is maximised. One way to do this is to create ‘Carbon Capture Gardens’.

Professor David Manning has a long standing involvement with the Science Central site and his research focuses on the interaction between soil and plants in relation to climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Dr Mark Goddard has a track record in the design and management of urban green spaces for biodiversity and ecosystem services. He is currently studying the biodiversity of urban land which is designed to have a carbon capture function.

Dr Jennine Jonczyk, Researcher in Water Resources, Newcastle Urban Observatory

Newcastle University’s Urban Observatory is a network of sensors, operating across the City that provide real time information. The sensors collect data for analysis in many ways – from temperature and wind speed through to traffic movement, people movement, air quality and water flow. The Urban Observatory improves our understanding of how cities work and enables decision-making about future cities to be made based on evidence. It also enables modelling of what the potential impact of infrastructure failure might be.

Dr Jennine Jonczyk is a Catchment Scientist and researches how water collects, drains and flows, and the impact on the urban and rural landscapes. Jennine works across all faculties and with communities bringing her expertise to cross-community research which is identifying solutions to urban challenges.

See you there!


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