Community Open Day

Posted 11.03.2016

Developments on Science Central are progressing apace with the landmark building The Core almost full to capacity, the first research labs now on site in The Key, and construction of the Urban Sciences Building well underway.

Future plans include a Learning and Teaching Centre, a Laboratory and Life Science Incubation Hub, a Low Carbon Energy Centre, and options are being explored on others plots for business and residential use.

Join us on Wednesday 23 March to find out what’s happening on site now, and hear more about our plans for the future.

Architects, FaulknerBrown, will be joining us to talk through the Science Central Masterplan and our vision for its future, and will showcase visuals on how different areas may look upon completion.
Representatives from Newcastle University and Newcastle City Council will be on hand to give you more information about the upcoming buildings, and the industry leading, world-class research that will be taking place on site.

You’ll be able to tour the site, visit The Key and The Core, which also provides a venue for networking and events as well as housing the University’s Centre for Professional and Executive Development.
Newcastle Science Central is being delivered by a long-term committed partnership between Newcastle City Council and Newcastle University.

Drop in sessions run 12noon – 2pm and 6pm – 8pm. 

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